The phrase “pay it forward” can come in a variety of different contexts. As it pertains to Small Group of Thoughtful People — one of the talented individuals mentioned in last week’s post on Bus 52, Amy Chin, recommended that I check out Go Inspire Go, a multimedia platform dedicated to use social networking to inspire social change.
The site features inspirational, character-driven stories, about “regular people” who do small acts that ripple out to BIG changes. And at the end of each video, there is a “call to action” (all the online campaigners out there rejoice) that inspires and challenges people to give back… and spark civic engagement.
What is particularly neat is that this month — being December & the last month of the year, Go Inspire Go is featuring 12 stories that were among the most inspirational in 2012.
The most recent story added? It was on Friday, December 14th — Day 5 out of 12. This video shares the inspiration of psychiatrist Dr. Ron Holt, who travels around the world to share his inspiring and empowering story to give victims of bullying who contemplated suicide hope & inspire compassion in bullies. And the call of action? Spread the word about TheTrevorProject, the leading national organization providing crisis intervention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.
Check out the first 4 days of inspiration, and stay tuned for the remaining days here.
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Filed under: Thoughtful People Tagged: Beauty, Community, Entrepreneur, Friends, Hope, Human Rights, Inspiration, LGBT, Lifestyle, Motivation, Organizing, Perseverance, Philosophy, Relationships, Social Media, Thoughts, Trevor Project